Near Sighted
12 August 2018
Near Sighted, 2018, linocut prints with monotype, 42 x 239.5 cm (exhibition and detail views). Photograph by Matthew Stanton. This work was made possible thanks to the the Australian Print Workshop 2017 John Denton Print Award, and the Fremantle Arts Centre artist-in-residence programme.

Near Sighted (2018) was developed during a residency at the Fremantle Arts Centre in Western Australia. Each night of the residency Clare cycled up to the observation point at a public reserve in Walyalup/Fremantle to draw, write and observe the moonrise, charting her perceived shift in the Moon’s size and brightness as it orbited from a Micromoon on 9 June, to a Supermoon on 24 June. Near Sighted represents the culmination of this research, and explores the perceptual flux that can arise as our nearest cosmic neighbour moves from it most remote to its closest position from the Earth-bound observer. The printing of the work was completed at the Australian Print Workshop in Melbourne, Australia, with the support of the 2017 John Denton Print Award.